Thursday, February 12, 2009

I am what I am!

Well, well, well......its been agesssssssssssss since I last updated my blog and posted an entry, I have been busy and how!! Well a quick update on what I was upto this last six months, took up a job as a lecturer in my own college ( not the boring types thou!), gave CAT and many, many of its clones, got a few calls, and have been preparing for them ever since!!

For the past six months, all that I could think of was an MBA.....nightmares, dreams, day-dreams et al. A recent study says that men think about women and sex once in every seven seconds. My analysis of the MBA preps say that an MBA aspirant thinks about Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability and Data Interpretation once in every 3 seconds. That leaves out no time for any other malicious thoughts. To prove my point let me give a small list of the blog entries that I thought of, started and left midway.

In chronological order!!
1) And thus raj shrugged!!
2) When private is no longer PRIVATE!!
3) A corrupt mind is an Indian's workshop!!
4) Back from the hiatus....

Don't worry, you will never get to see the final copy!! Jokes apart, The past six months have taught me a lot, not only in terms of the knowledge I gained, but also in terms of knowing ME and my country!! When I had gone for my first ever GD/PI session (Group Discussion/Personal Interview for the unknown)...ARKS sir told us to learn a lot about many things. But, he said three things were of prime importance.....I, INDIA and the link between the two!! Learning and gaining knowledge about the country was not difficult, Google is a never ending resource with information being made available to you at lightning speed. Then came the difficult part, knowing myself.

"We are all primary numbers divisible only by ourselves" ~ Jean Guitton

I started off by listing things that are commonly known to everyone. Name, Background, College, Family, DOB.....i.e whatever my profile on Orkut/Facebook says! But these are stuff that everyone knows, I needed to research a lot on "ME". Slowly and steadily I sat down to make a chronological list of the events/happenings in my life. Then how has those events affected me as a person was next in the list. I was overwhelmed at the fact, that, there were so many things about me that I had blissfully ignored. And when I came down to link my life to the knowledge I had gained about India, I came to know one very important fact. My contribution to the country, or its progress is nothing but..............ZILCH!!

The preparations for MBA has had its bearing on me. I have started behaving as if, finance and economics was something I was ingrained with right from schooling. Take this incident for example...I was walking with a friend of mine. A house maid was walking towards us, she was using a high end mobile phone. My friend told me that the kaamwaali baai has a better phone than what we use. And all I could think was the TRICKLE DOWN EFFECT!! Now if I would have been my usual self, I would have just cursed my luck for not having a better phone, but the new MBA guy in me makes me think stuff that I could have scarcely imagined earlier. And the worst part is that at times I get into a state of soliloquy and people think that I am either crazy or divine!!

All men should strive
to learn before they die
what they are running from, and to, and why.
~James Thurber

On this note I bid goodbye, as I have a lot more to learn about economics, marketing, my acads, my country and most importantly..ME!! I AM WHAT I AM!!


Blackmagic said...
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Blackmagic said...
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Blackmagic said...

Reading a blog post after a gap was fun. Keep writing. Language looks better than the last time, though a few misplaced commas and a few inappropriate usages of adjectives along with missing prepositions can't miss the eye. That makes the grammar a bit shaky. But I'm sure you haven't revised the post, and are capable enough to rectify the mistakes on your own rather than someone else pointing them out. Looking forward to read more of you.

Don't let the MBA superimpose the original you.

P.S. The IRIS magazine awaits your contribution.

Raj said...

lol..i grammar sux big tym!!

Blackmagic said...

No, my friend. That's not at all what I meant to say. But whenever I READ something I start analyzing the write-up as per my norms, and form an opinion.

As said, that was just my opinion which may or may not matter to you.

Please keep writing. It's a divine exercise. :)