Saturday, November 24, 2007


I got up this morning, and got the shock of my life when I was told that I have been removed from my engineering college....I was shocked, flustered and what not!! Before I could even realize as to what was going parents threw me out of the house for the same reason I was thrown out from college. I had apparently tried to rape one of my female professors in my college...OH.....MY......GOD!! My friends had deserted disowned thrown me....n even the lame puppy at the road was barking at me. I went to a roadside bar.....disheartened.....ordered some of the finest original vodka...and me like a bacchanalian was drinking away to glory when suddenly the police raided the bar...looking at my appearance they mistook me for a P.I.M.P and arrested me...I reached the police station...amazed at how bad a day can it be...and it was only turning out to be more worse!! The inspector tortured me to no ends....trying to make me confess my do I make him understand....that he is questioning me for the wrong crime!! Many different and horrid thoughts crossed my mind....why is life being so unfair to me...why am I being targeted for each and every other thing that is happening in this world.....quick....quick....I reached for the panic button..Where is it...damn..cant find it too.....HELP!! HELP!!
“Raj, Raj…….What happened? Why are you crying for help? Is something wrong?” I opened my eyes….the assuring face of my mom….brought me back to my senses…IT WAS JUST A DREAM!!

I got up...had some water...while my mom was trying to make me stay calm...I again thought about the dream...rape...crime...ouster from coll...thrown from the what a nightmare that was!! After my mom was done pacifying me she went in to make some coffee, after having a refreshingly hot cuppa coffee...south indian ishtyle...I was left gazing at the coffee cup...what if I wasn't served the refreshing and endearing hot cuppa coffee every morning....what if life had really been so cruel....what if my dream had come true...what if my life was not the way it is now....WHAT IF?

I quickly got up....washed my face..and went out for a walk (thats the time when I do most of my thinking). I started to look back at my beautiful it had and junior college passed on very fast...had the time of my life there..made some of the best friends at that time....and then I ended up where I am now...S.F.I.T!

Engineering was the best thing that could have happened to me. The past three and a half years were a roller coaster ride....with life having its own share of ups and downs...but am I complaining? Okie I agree I have not been a very bright student...was never among the top 20...have got my share of failures...I really hagaaoed(college lingo!!) in CAT 2007...and still I maintain the big and bright smile of mine..LOL!! But the time I spent chitchatting in my class...ogling at all the new chicks in college..working my ass out for the college fests..hanging out with my friends daily in the canteen or outside...fighting and then patching up with friends for silly reasons....pulling each others legs..."cupping" each other endlessly.....passing small chits in the class to pass on a message...all this is what actually defines my engineering life! To sum it has been pretty decent.

There is so much more things to look forward the upcoming trip to goa.....yaay!! GO GOA!! Then the last semester of my engg....after which I will miss all my friends...(seriously guys!!) Every morning I used to get up and think....oh god yet another day....have to do all the stuff..again and again....but after having a nightmare like that..I sure have learned to appreciate the small and insignificant things in life...

So tomorrow morning when I get up...I surely am gonna have a big and bright smile on my face....thinking that I have got yet another day in my meet the people I do the things I always wanted eat stuff I have craved for days...and to enjoy my life as it throws up new surprises and challenges at me. As my friend joey from the tele-serial F.R.I.E.N.D.S had once stated in the first season of the serial....Ice cream is not just vanilla...there are so many other flavors..there is chocolate...there is strawberry....there is sundae...then there is black current..all you need to learn is to grab the spoon when given an opportunity to eat it!! So I am now gonna learn to grab the spoon....and live life at its best!!

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