Saturday, September 12, 2009


I am ebony, I am ivory!
I am darkness, I am light!
I am the end of the road, I am its beginning!
I am your worst enemy, I am your best friend!
I shatter your dreams, I make them come true!
I like making a lot of friends, I am a very lonely person!
I can't keep secrets, I am the person you can trust the most!
I am the guy your mom warns you about, I am your mom's ideal choice for marriage!
I want to kill the dog on the side of the road, I want to give it a home to live in!
I will tell you things on your face, I will bitch about you behind your back!
I wont fail you come what may, I am the last person you can bank upon!
I look upto god with hope, I am an atheist!
I will smile at you at times hard and tiring, I will cry within!
I am your worst nightmare, I am your most beautiful dream!
I admire god, I worship satan!
I am black, I am white!
I am 0, I am 1!