Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Young man, young man, your arm's too short to box with God!

"I was an atheist......before I realized I was god" these were the words that the t shirt of a "just out of his teens" read. He was tall..had a dark complexion...had earphones in his ears probably listening to some heavy metal band...had three of his fingernails painted black..which affirmed my doubts of his listening to rock, was wearing his jeans way below his inner garments....had his hair: Mohawk style...I from all this deduced..that the guy dint know what his t-shirt meant...he was just trying to make a STYLE STATEMENT!! I for a moment forgot about what I had seen and concentrated more on those words i had just read on his t-shirt...I was an atheist before i realized I was god..well I am a self proclaimed atheist..not arrogant or prude...just that I don't find a reason strong enough to believe in him. People have bombarded me with sayings like "Maybe the atheist cannot find God for the same reason a thief cannot find a policeman". But, if tomorrow some one comes up with a reason as to why god exists, and one which is quite believable..the first thing I will do is to rush to a temple. GOD is one of the fav topics of mine. I can discuss endlessly on this one topic. I used to believe in god when I was a small kid..but as I started growing up...science got the better of me.

No matter how much I prove and prod,
I cannot quite believe in God;
But oh, I hope to God that He
Unswervingly believes in me.
~E.Y. Harburg, attributed

Questions always used to come up in my mind...why do different religions have different gods...why different prayers...why different forms of worship. When better sense prevailed I realized it was nothing but idol worship. It is the innermost fears of humans that has led to the creation of such different idols. Its nothing but human fear that makes them believe in god… some small incident caused due to the ever mysterious nature that led them to believe in evil spirits… now all they wanted was someone to protect them and so they “created” GOD. I am purposely putting created in quotes coz this is what I believe. I may be wrong too. But isn't it basic human psychology that when fear prevails , so should a savior. Like suppose when we are going by road for a long distance journey many of us have road sickness(that includes moi), which includes vomiting, stomach upset, giddiness. Many people advise us to take deep long breaths which supposedly cures the sickness. But if we look at it the other way round, isn’t it also the case that when we are taking deep breaths our entire concentration is on the breathing part and we temporarily forget that we had road sickness. So the power of the mind says that unless and until you are not concentrating on something, that something should not bother you. Here the road sickness is the fear and the deep breaths …your savior. Similarly in the case of god, evil spirits your fear and god your savior.

So isn't it that it is entirely in our mind as to what we think, what we believe and what we KNOW. I am not here trying to publicize my beliefs or make people change their ideologies, I am just assessing two sides of the same coin. There have been ample proofs present which do prove the existence of god. There have been miracles and incidents which have made me get goosebumps. And numerically if we look at the number of people who believe in god and who don’t…the latter would turn out to be a very very very small fraction. Its not that since I don’t believe in the ALMIGHTY(pun intended!!) I don’t take part in all the rituals. I do sit for all the pooja-path that takes place in my house. But that is only because I don’t want to hurt my parents by my beliefs. And the day I myself get to see and sense god’s presence I would be his strongest believer.

But what surprises, rather irritates me the most is the stupid rituals that are associated with the beliefs. The n number of fasts, the week long maybe sometimes month long barefoot walks, the piercings and pain associated in the name of sufferings, the numerous sacrifices……does that impress god? I don’t think so. So God minus those rituals is the idea that I would like to accept!! Hmm so all I can do now is send a message across to all those people who think I am arrogant or a fool by not believing in god. I request them not to loathe or despise me … I am just an ATHEIST… waiting to realize GOD!!

I don't know if God exists, but it would be better for His reputation if He didn't. ~Jules Renard